Crusader kings 2 сифилис

Обновлено: 17.04.2024

Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 2.6.

Disease plays a large role in Crusader Kings II, due to the lethality of ailments in the Middle Ages, and generally bad side effects they give to the player character. Most characters are capable of living through the majority of diseases, though some may still die when an outbreak occurs.

All diseases are represented by health traits.


The most simple type of "disease," the trait ill reduces martial by 1, health by 2, and fertility by 10%.
Unless the ill person in question is very old, weak, or has another disease, the odds of someone dying from this trait is very low.
Generic illness and pneumonia are mutually exclusive. It is needed to have a health level of at least 3 to recover from this disease.
If The Reaper's Due Expansion is active, the illness trait is replaced by symptoms which will be treated by a court physician.

Incompatible with ill, the pneumonic trait is far far more deadly. It reduces all attributes by 2 and reduces health by 4.
It also reduces fertility by 50%, making most characters very unlikely to procreate. The trait is often deadly; do not expect to have player character rulers survive this one every time.
It is needed to have a health level of at least 4 to recover from this disease.

Another moderate disease, leprosy makes holding a large kingdom or empire together very difficult.
It reduces diplomacy and health by 2, and fertility by 20%. It also reduces sex appeal by 50, and all vassals opinions of their liege by 20.
Though leprosy has a +10 bonus with other lepers, chances are that a character will not make use of that bonus often.
It is needed to have a health level of at least 4 to recover from this disease. There is a chance to remove this disease by choosing the Theology focus.

A moderately dangerous disease, syphilis reduces all attributes by 1, health by 2, and fertility by 20%. Furthermore, it reduces sex appeal of the character by 30.
This disease will most likely shorten the lifespan of the player character, though it will not necessarily result in an abnormally early death.
One of the most dangerous features of this disease is that it can be passed down to children if one of their parents has this trait. This makes long-lived heirs more rare if the ruler suffers from great pox.
It is needed to have a health level of at least 6 to recover from this disease. There is a chance to remove this disease by choosing the Theology focus.

Epidemics begin with an outbreak in one province, and can spread through adjacent provinces on the first day of each month.

When a county is affected by an epidemic:

  • A dark green cloud appears over the city sprawl
  • Characters living in that province will randomly become infected. Characters who have already contracted and recovered from the disease are immune, with the exception of the great pox
  • City tax income is reduced is reduced, and attrition is greatly increased for troops in excess of the supply limit. These effects make warfare harder, especially when large armies are required or multiple diseases are present.

Rulers can protect themselves against epidemics by relocating their capital or by sending individual characters to other locations. Children aged 6-15 can be sent for education to other courts. Adults can lead troops or perform council missions in safer provinces. With The Reaper's Due, it is worth noting that only land provinces are safe: leading troops at sea while an epidemic ravages your capital is a sure way to contract Scurvy ; going into seclusion can be considered a viable alternative.

Conversely, sending a character to an infected location can serve as a quiet way to dispose of a rival or an unwanted heir.

Outbreaks always begin in coastal cities. Cities with higher income are at higher risk. A capital which is far inland may be safer. The Black Death historically arrives around 1300-1400 AD, though the player can change it on the game rules panel at the beginning of a campaign.

Take caution when having your capital on a coastal trade post province since disease seems to have a higher chance of spawning there. More importantly it appears that your Hospital level is NOT checked when the disease appears as would normally occur if it's not in a disease spawn site.

It also seems diseases spread through trade ports in the same network.

Epidemic Contagiousness Outbreak Duration Trait Effects Recovery MTTH
(for 45yo with 5 base health)
(AKA Tuberculosis)
30% 1.2% 30 months -2 health 24 months
Slow Fever
(Typhoid Fever)
30% 1.2% 30 months -3 health, -10% fertility 4 months
Camp Fever
50% 4% 10 months -4 health, -20% fertility 12 months
The Plague
(Bubonic Plague, Black Death)
95% 1% 10 months -7 health 3 months
Measles 60% 3% 8 months -2 health 5 months
Smallpox 50% 8% 8 months -3 health, -25% fertility 5 months
Great Pox
50% 8%
( Sunset Invasion)
8 months -2 health, -20% fertility Recovery ONLY with Possessed

With The Reaper's Due active, the disease system becomes more complex. Characters will first contract symptoms which will then be diagnosed by their court physician. Hospitals can be built to fight epidemics at the province level and the epidemics also affect the level of prosperity in a county.

An infection can develop after being Wounded or Severely Injured . They can be dangerous as a court physician cannot treat this symptom; the player character may have to make up for the lost health by other means. However, it will heal on its own given enough time, just like other diseases. Counter-intuitively, an infection arising from being Severely Injured is less dangerous than the same trait arising from Wounded ; this is because the infection actually replaced Severely Injured (with no net health decrease), but is added on top of being Wounded .

Outbreaks can begin in any province, and may spread through single ocean tiles. Infected provinces tend to lose prosperity and may experience its opposite: depopulation. Basic hospitals provide minor protection from depopulation.

Upgraded hospitals can also prevent the county from becoming infected. This makes them useful not only in your capital but also in provinces near your capital, especially at chokepoints such as the Grisons-Lombardy mountain pass.

Certain events may reduce a province's disease resistance: a smugglers' ring forming and refusal to pay for a hospital's upkeep. High prosperity also lowers disease resistance.

The Black Death is larger and more deadly, and gets a chance of major outbreak to occur 200 years into any game, regardless of start date. (This can be changed on the game rules panel.) After a major outbreak has happened, the disease becomes endemic and may break out again, but likely on a smaller scale. The Black Death has special patterns. It may miss India, Africa, Scandinavia, Britain, or the Steppes. It also has a chance to miss a discontinuous region called the Historical Plague Exclusion Zone. Once you see evidence of which regions it is skipping, try to move your capital there.

Epidemics can never spread to Iceland, because it does not share any sea zones. However, Iceland is a small duchy in a weak de jure empire, so moving your capital there may reduce both demesne levies and vassal levies. Iceland is also far from everything else, increasing the risk of independence factions.

Rulers receive the option to go into seclusion when an epidemic spreads to counties near their capital. Alternatively, rulers with the Paranoid trait can go into seclusion at any time. Rulers must be landed or patricians to shut the gates. Once the option to go into seclusion is taken, the ruler is isolated together with their courtiers.

All secluded characters receive a -5 penalty to their Diplomacy attribute, and can no longer lead armies (if previously able to) or perform jobs (if they are councilors). If the period of seclusion is too long, negative events may occur, and may result in characters obtaining the Cannibal trait, becoming Craven and experiencing food shortages.

Seclusion may fail if a courtier is exposed to the outside world or contracts a disease before becoming secluded [1] . To mitigate the risk of seclusion breaches, the ruler may get opportunities to kick out courtiers who are displaying symptoms [2] or who have Bubonic Plague [3] . Closing the gates early and keeping a small court can help prevent the disease from spreading unchecked within the secluded court.

Upon opening the gates, the ruler gets the Abandoned the commoners modifier. While this modifier is active (1 year), they have -10 general opinion and cannot shut the gates again.

Алексей Родионов

Алексей, не подскажешь: начал партию в Крусайдеров , весь мир в течении 3 месяцев заболевает сифилисом, мой граф который не женат и не имеет половые связи тоже заражается? Лицензия, сборка модов твоя.

Алексей Родионов

Алексей Родионов

Алексей Паскеев

Рома Котов

Алексей Родионов

Обновления всех модов для версии

В этом архиве все моды которые я использую на данный момент + исправлен баг с получением бесконечного сифилиса в "Real Middle Ages"

Куда это всё кидать, вы и так знаете. Не маленькие. Читать умеем.

Алексей Родионов

В самой папке модов надо запустить и установить вот этот файл, для того что бы работали моды на лица (скрин ниже)

Ну и пока всё. Следите за обновлениями

Дмитрий Бакланов

Алексей, Алексей, прикольно это все конечно, но русификатор ужасно кривой. Реализована куча всякой фантастики и т.п., но нет реальной вещи которая имела место быть - нельзя потребовать ночь с женой вассала, как сделать не знаю, т.к. должны быть в событии последствия и как прописать условия на супрага вассала не знаю.

Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 2.6.

Health is an attribute that affects life expectancy. Healthy characters are less likely to fall prey to diseases and more likely to fully recover from them (as well as respond well to treatment by a court physician). They are also less likely to die in any month. High health is key to a long life.

Base health is hidden and can only be observed with the charinfo console command. Traits and event modifiers that affect health are visible.


The traits Strong , Brawny , Weak , and Frail are more important than their tooltips suggest. They not only affect health directly, but also affect:

To improve basic vitality:

The traits Stressed and Depressed each reduce health by 1. They also increase the likelihood of "general illness". If you find your character stressed or depressed, there are several ways to make recovery more likely.

Content rulers can soothe other members of the same court. Content rulers on your council become members of your court, letting them target you or your courtiers who are depressed.

In addition to being on your council, the vassal must be: playable tier (count+ or patrician), at peace, accessible, and not leading troops.

  • More likely if the content character is also Diligent or Patient . Much more likely with both.
  • Remove other stressed/depressed adults from your court. This ensures the content characters heal you rather than healing someone else.
    • Usually possible with some combination of marriage and title grants.
    • With The Reaper's Due, you can ask characters to leave your court.

    With the Way of Life DLC, several focus choices can help you remove stressed or depressed.

    • Carousing focus. Each party you host has a 30% chance to remove stressed/depressed, not only from you but also from guests. As long as you are at peace, you can hold 3 parties every 2 years.
    • Theology focus. A mystical experience can leave you feeling energized. More likely if Zealous and after exhausting other theology focus pulse events.
    • Hunting focus. Your hunting dog can make you happier. Does not require continued hunting focus once you have a dog.
    • Seduction focus. Each lover may randomly offer you a chance to get away from an unhappy marriage.
      • Your spouse must have a negative opinion of you. This can be arranged by legitimizing bastards, or by granting and revoking honorary titles.
      • It is best if you have multiple lovers, and if the lovers are also Kind or Diligent .
      • These conditions also allow your spouse to plot against your life, if they are not Honest or Kind . If your spouse plots against you, remove them from your court with arrest. If they land in the dungeon, their plot will end entirely, and you can choose whether to keep them alive in house arrest or not, and throw them in the oubliette. If they flee, at least they can no longer make any personal attempts on your life, and you can usually keep plot power below 50% by asking conspirators to stop.

      Being your spouse's lover can trigger an event removing stressed or depressed. You must both be free and not leading troops. The Family focus can help you become your spouse's lover, and also halves the event's MTTH.

      If you are an independent ruler and your character is stressed, consider building a Great work with a feature that enables Private Conversations. If you have a Lover in the same realm (or better yet, a Lover-Spouse!), then you can invite them to a Private Conversation and receive a 30% chance to lose your stress each time. Private Conversations are on a 6 month cooldown, so you can try to lose stress twice per year in this manner.

      If you do not have a Lover, then you can also attempt to Seduce characters using the Private Conversation mechanic -- even your spouse! Consider constructing the Magnificent Gardens and add the Vineyard feature to it, as this unlocks both Private Conversation and Send Alcohol Gift mechanics, letting you gift a bottle of fine wine to your lover to accompany your tryst! This can be a very reliable method of de-stressing your character, but sadly if you are a vassal then you cannot make use of Great Works.

      • Ditch extra jobs. Not being on a council and not leading troops brings the MTTH of event 6041 down to 56 years. This can only remove stressed, not depressed.

      With the Monks and Mystics DLC, if you are in the Hermetic Society, you can brew a potion of eudaimonia to cure stress and depression.

      When a rival dies, an event may trigger which - among gaining a new friend, a new rival, or losing a rivalry and gaining the Kind trait - gives you the option to remove your stressed trait.

      Some pets obtained through events provide a health boost:

      • Pet Cat (+1 health, +1 intrigue): During an epidemic, peasants may suspect cats as the cause. You can spend money to investigate the cats and to keep some cats for observation. You can then choose to keep one as a pet. Note that refusing to expel cats from your realm may increase revolt risk in your capital; this is mitigated by having 15+ diplomacy or 15+ intrigue. A pet cat may also be obtained by a random event where "a small kitty demands your attention", or from Shieldmaiden events.
      • Hunting dog (+1 health, +1 martial): A gift while you have the Hunting focus.
        • If you have both a pet cat and a hunting dog, you will see them fight. You may give one of them away, or keep both in the hope that they will get along. If you choose to keep both, there is a 50% chance that one will kill or chase away the other, forcing you to accept either a 75% chance of depressed or also getting rid of the remaining pet.
        • Pet Owl (+1 health, +1 learning): A pet owl can be obtained through the "Worship the ancestors" pagan decision, as a possible outcome of wishing for wisdom.
        • Pet Rat (+1 health): Imprisoned children may befriend a rat.
        • Pet Hedgehog (+0.5 health): Characters following Mazdan religions may get a hedgehog through an event.

        Your court physician may recommend that you take it easy, for +1 health but -1 to all skills.

        • You are not slothful
        • You are not tribal or nomadic
        • You are stressed , diligent , wroth , or have total health below 5 for any reason
        • Your court physician is either a character who was generated to be a court physician, or has the Renowned Physician trait.

        The event is more likely to fire if you are diligent, if you are stressed, and if your court physician has a learning skill of 16+.

        Choosing to take it easy removes the diligent trait if you have it, but does not prevent you from regaining the trait.

          Some pagans: Ancestor Worship — Making a sacrifice can increase your health in several ways Buddhists and Jains can select a sect that improves health Bön pagans and Khurmazta both have a patron deity that provides a health boost Taoists following the "Quanzhen School of Complete Perfection" receive a health boost
        • With Monks and Mystics, the leader of the demon worshippers may "absorb lifeforce", sacrificing their child in order to gain +1 to +3 health for 10 years.

        Strategic placement of your capital and/or character can help you avoid contracting epidemic diseases. A good Court Physician who has high opinion of you can help you recover from diseases.

        Note that getting Infection from being Wounded is particularly dangerous as your Court Physician cannot treat this symptom; you may have to find other ways to make up for the health loss.

        • Ответы 43,940
        • Создано 15.02.2012, 17:43:42
        • Последний ответ вчера, 18:20:49
        • Просмотры 2965742

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        Всем спасибо))) Как нормально вставить профиль стима в профиль на форуме? А то ко мне прилепился какой-то Сталин, а это не мой профиль.



        гарантии нет (есть сейвы даже в айроне). Ну и такая фишка делается, когда не единственный наследник Просто когда ему 35 - ты сам быстрее коньки двинешь, а дети-наследники будут маленькие. 35-40 лет



        Конечно стоит. Тройка всё еще не превосходит двойку.

        В последней версии русика я добавил подсветку желтым тех мест на карте, в которых есть неконтролируемые баронства (чтобы посмотреть эту подсветку, надо приказать канцлеру фабриковать претензии, а точн



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        El Búho

        El Búho

        А я только жить начал. Не дождётесь!


        Не нормально, но бывает. Как раз после всяческих восстаний иногда случаются одно королевство нормальное, другое титулярное.


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