Игра летающая акула вич

Обновлено: 22.04.2024

Передвижение в воде — задачка нетривиальная. Каждая группа существ решила её по-своему. Человеки загребают воду нелепыми сухопутными конечностями, пингвины элегантно летают в водной толще, а осьминоги передвигаются на реактивной тяге. Но все эти идеи меркнут рядом с сумрачным гением аквилоламны — акулы, переделавшей своё тело в планер.

Скелет доисторической изобретательницы обнаружили недавно, в 2012 году , в мексиканской каменоломне . Местные палеонтологи быстренько взяли его в оборот, но окончательно описали лишь к началу 2021 года . В процессе исследования окаменевших останков они выяснили, что эта животина жила примерно 92 миллиона лет назад . Её 2 метровое торпедообразное тулово не отличалось от организмов других акул ничем, кроме ЗАГНУТЫХ ГРУДНЫХ ПЛАВНИКОВ РАЗМАХОМ В 2 МЕТРА !

Из-за столь нетипичного строения грудных отростков учёные 10 лет не могли выкатить внятное описание аквилоламны . Для хищника эти плавники максимально непрактичны: они не позволят разогнаться или сделать крутой вираж. Да с ними даже в засаде не полежишь, эти лопасти выдадут тебя с потрохами!

Только вот наша героиня оказалась не совсем обычным хищником, она была планктонофагом . Акула гоняла по мелководному морю, жрала креветок, личинок рыб и прочую мелочь . За такой пищей не нужно гоняться, но и калорий от неё — чуть больше, чем нифига .

Поэтому аквилоламне пришлось разработать хитрую схему подводного крыла . Такие плавники позволяли скользить по водной толще, как на лыжах . Этот способ передвижения экономил уйму энергии и помогал выживать на низкокалорийной диете.

Правда, дожить до наших дней он не помог. Достоверно неизвестно, что именно прикончило этот вид, но мы имеем сразу две рабочие теории. Может быть, почки животины не смогли приспособиться к изменениям химического состава океана , а может наших героинь переиграли скаты . Они использовали ту же стратегию, но куда успешнее — скаты превратили всё своё тело в одно больше крыло и смогли побить аквилоламну на её же поле.

Обложка Depth

Год выпуска: 2014
Жанр: Action
Разработчик: Digital Confectioners
Издательство: Digital Confectioners
Платформа: PC
Тип издания: Repack от R.G. United Packer Group
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблетка: Вшита (CODEX)

Depth - это экшен, в котором вы имеете выбор за кого играть: аквалангиста, либо за акулу, которая пытается его сожрать. Соответственно, от выбора будут и завесить все дальнейшие действия. Но поверьте, с каждой стороны найдется то, что вам очень понравится.

первый скриншот из Depth
второй скриншот из Depth
третий скриншот из Depth
четвертый скриншот из Depth

Системные требования
ОC: Windows Vista или новее
Процессор: Intel 2.4 GHz или AMD Athlon 2.6 GHz (требуется двухъядерный процессор)
Оперативная память: 3Гб оперативной памяти
Видеокарта: ATI Radeon 4870/5770/6770, или Nvidia GeForce GTX 260/460/550 Ti
Свободное место: 1.53 Гб свободного пространства

Станьте акулой
Вы — шестиметровая белая акула; ваше оружие — скорость и обостренные чувства. Выследите свою жертву в темных океанских водах и разорвите на части своими острыми как бритва зубами.

Станьте водолазом
Вы — водолаз, который исследует темные глубины в поисках сокровищ и использует накопленное богатство для приобретения нового снаряжения. Защитите себя с помощью большого количества мощного оружия: от ружей для подводной охоты до подводных автоматов и мин.

Напряженная атмосфера
Испытайте ужас, охватывающий тех, кто плавает во тьме океана. Динамическое освещение и тени помогают создать уникальную и жуткую атмосферу. Вы будете на нервах с самого момента погружения, берегитесь!

Практикуйтесь с ИИ-ботами в режиме оффлайн
- Не готовы вступить в бой с другими игроками? Depth позволяет вам отточить свои навыки на поразительно умных ИИ-противниках. Существуют разные уровни сложности.

-- За основу взята лицензия --
-- Ничего не перекодировано / ничего не вырезано
-- Версия игры: 1.0

Автор: Pifko
Релиз Группа: R.G. United Packer Group

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The Tiger is a real man eater, and his striped hide makes him hard to spot. With a solid build and powerful muscles, the Tiger is adaptable to a wide variety of strategies ranging from hit-and-run to all out aggression.

Adaptive Hide

The Tiger puts its striped hide to use, allowing it to slip in and out of combat undetected by tracking devices.

Lemon (Locked)

(Win as the Tiger.)

The Lemon is a master of stalking its prey, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.


The Lemon begins stalking its prey, becoming difficult to see until it attacks or takes damage. Striking from Stalking gives increased thrash damage for a short duration.

Thrash Damage: 110%, Cooldown: 20s

Thrash Damage: 120%, Cooldown: 18s

Thrash Damage: 130%, Cooldown: 15s

Bull (Locked)

(Use the Tiger's Species Ability to hide from a diver.)

The Bull shark is a medium threat with an anger problem, making it an aggressive and unpredictable foe. Though it lacks immediate force, the Bull's true strength lies in its ability to Enrage, temporarily becoming one of the strongest beasts in the sea.


The Bull gains additional Health, Stamina and Damage proportional to the Rage built from nearby diver activity. Enrage subsides after 5 seconds.

Up to: 150% Health, 150% Stamina, 166% Damage.

Up to: 170% Health, 170% Stamina, 166% Damage.

Up to: 200% Health, 200% Stamina, 166% Damage.

Copper (Locked)

The Copper shark is fast, strong, and full of rage. Although smaller, the Copper has a knack for channeling its rage to survive against all odds.


The Copper uses Rage to prevent death for a short duration. Endure's duration rises with Rage built from nearby diver activity, lasting up to 4s. Must be above 25% Rage to activate.

Great White (Locked)

(Use the Bull's Species Ability with full rage.)

The Great White is as large as he is dangerous. Being both slow moving and hard hitting the Great White will continue his onslaught as bullets and spears sail his way.


While active, the Great White takes reduced damage from all sources.

Duration: 3s, Damage Reduction: 30%

Duration: 3s, Damage Reduction: 40%

Duration: 3s, Damage Reduction: 50%, Ignores nets/slows for the duration.

Thresher (Locked)

(Use the Great White's Species Ability to successfully mitigate damage.)

The Thresher doesn't look notably dangerous with its unassuming jaws, however its true weapon is a long, blade-like tail capable of lacerating and disorienting multiple prey at once.

Tail Lash

The Thresher damages all nearby prey by snapping its tail like a whip to create a pressure expansion.

50 Damage, Breaks Walls

60 Damage, Breaks Walls and Consumables

Hammerhead (Locked)

(Use the Thresher's Species Ability and hit two or more divers at once.)

The Great Hammerhead fights tooth and nail as he thrashes and bashes prey to a crimson pulp. Unique to the Hammerhead is the ability to passively crush enemies, fast and direct hits into any solid object will cause prey in his jaws to take damage proportional to the force.

Relentless Force

The Hammerhead regains stamina by impacting any solid object. The stamina received is proportional to the speed and angle of the hit.

Duration: 6s, Now additionally gives HP back.

Mako (Locked)

(Using the evolution Powerful Tail, crush a diver with the Hammerhead.)

The Mako may be a smaller shark, but don't let that trick you; he's fast as hell and twice as mean. With a sleek but fragile frame the Mako is built for speed and agility.

Mark Prey

Applies a Mark to the diver the Mako is facing. If the target dies while the Mark is active, the Mako is granted bonus Evolution Points.

Mark Duration: 6s, Evolution Point Bonus: 5, Cooldown: 12s

Mark Duration: 12s, Evolution Point Bonus: 10, Cooldown: 12s

Mark Duration: 18s, Evolution Point Bonus: 15, Cooldown: 12s

Blue (Locked)

The Blue is a nimble shark with a unique sense of smell. Smelling out delicious prey, the Blue can help other sharks heal, or perform its own hit and run attacks.

Bon Appétit

Applies a Mark to the diver the Blue is facing. If the target dies while the Mark is active, the killer heals a portion of its health instantly.

Mark Duration: 6s, Amount Healed: 30, Cooldown: 12s

Mark Duration: 12s, Amount Healed: 60, Cooldown: 12s

Mark Duration: 18s, Amount Healed: 90, Cooldown: 12s

Goblin (Locked)

(Use the Mako's Species Ability to gain bonus Evolution Points from your teammate killing the marked target.)

The Goblin is best known for its terrifying extendable jaw packed full of needle-like teeth, and its distinct surfboard shaped nose. Although sluggish in nature, the Goblin makes up for this in combat with its intimidating appearance known to incite panic in divers.


Strikes fear in the divers, causing them to hallucinate another goblin shark.

Hallucination Health: 1

Hallucination Health: 60

Hallucination Health: 120

Oceanic Whitetip (Locked)

(Use the Goblin's Species Ability to have two Hallucinations active at the same time.)

The Oceanic Whitetip stalks the open seas and has been involved in a number of major incidents with shipwreck survivors. Often seen living in a mutualistic relationship with pilot fish, the Oceanic Whitetip and its friends live and die together.


The Whitetip's pilot fish switch between assisting in attacking prey and protecting the shark.

Attack: 32 damage per second, Protect: 30% damage reduction

Attack: 40 damage per second, Protect: 40% damage reduction

Attack: 48 damage per second, Protect: 50% damage reduction

Bigeye Thresher (Locked)

(Win as the Thresher.)

Famous for its huge eyes and lethal whip-like tail, this Thresher knocks back its prey, then delivers its killing blow.


Shoves divers in the direction the Bigeye is facing. Divers take damage from the force of any impact with a solid object.

Knockback force: 1200, Range: 700, Damage Scale: 5%

Knockback force: 1400, Range: 700, Damage Scale: 5%

Knockback force: 1600, Range: 700, Damage Scale: 5%

Playing the shark in Depth makes you fast, strong, deadly, and gives you remarkable sight - this is your environment. To evolve your play-style, and stress toughness, speed, agility, damage, or your shark senses you can apply an array of evolutions in-game. As you play the game you'll unlock even more evolution options, allowing greater flexibility in responding to divers.


The shark learns to use a greater range of sonar to detect prey more frequently and locate nearby divers.

Cost to evolve: 10 points


With keen Ampullae of Lorenzini and enhanced smell, the shark has learned to identify diver equipment and wounds.

Cost to evolve: 10 points


Quickly forming new blood cells, the shark can slip away from combat to recuperate what was lost.

Cost to evolve: 20 points


The shark's nose is hardened for greater damage to the environment and S.T.E.V.E.

Cost to evolve: 20 points


The shark awakens so hungry it becomes angry. This anger fuels the shark with nearly unlimited stamina for a few seconds after respawning.

Cost to evolve: 20 points

Killer Instinct

Satiated by the taste of any blood, evolutions that trigger on diver kills now also trigger after seal kills.

Cost to evolve: 20 points

Nimble Finned

Strengthened muscles allow the shark to dart/lunge more frequently, greatly increasing mobility.

Cost to evolve: 20 points

Razor Fins

With sharp and muscular pectoral fins, swimming near prey injures them and allows the shark to break out of nets faster.

Cost to evolve: 20 points


The shark adapts a warmer body temperature to preserve energy, this can be unleashed to move at faster speeds while sprinting.

Cost to evolve: 20 points


With a heightened sense of smell and electromagnetic sense, the shark gains the ability to detect sea mines and buoys floating in the water.

Cost to evolve: 30 points

Placoid Scales

With hardened placoid scales, ammo modifiers are less effective.

Cost to evolve: 30 points

Serrated Teeth

Razor-sharp serrations in the sharks teeth leave divers lucky enough to break free with deep, bleeding wounds until given medical attention.

Cost to evolve: 30 points


Greater tail control allows the shark to change direction while Lunging, making it harder for divers to land a shot.

Cost to evolve: 30 points

Powerful Tail

A powerful musculature allows the shark to dart/lunge while clutching prey in its jaws.

Cost to evolve: 40 points

Blood Feast

The shark feasts on the diver's body, regenerating a portion of its health shortly after each kill.

Cost to evolve: 50 points

Vitalized Frenzy

Killing a diver vitalizes the shark, immediately resetting the cooldown of its active ability.

Cost to evolve: 50 points

Ignore Pain

Toughened from combat, the shark can shrug off damage, but loses stamina as it does so.

Cost to evolve: 50 points

Blood Rage

After getting a kill the shark becomes enraged, gaining rapid regeneration of stamina for a short period of time.

Cost to evolve: 60 points

Adrenal Glands

Damage taken by the shark causes adrenaline to pump through its veins, increasing its stamina.

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