Трип вирус аоба фанфик

Обновлено: 18.04.2024

1 - 20 of 187 Works in Trip/Virus (DRAMAtical Murder)

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" to live in the underworld " by Menato

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

In the underworld ruled by demon clans, clans try to strengthen the bonds between them and the stronger clans to protect themselves from the oppression of the stronger clan. Either through a truce or through the strongest and most secure covenant, the marriage between the princes of the two clans. And here hegemony appears only because one of the two princes was born as an alpha, and the other was determined by fate to be an omega and life chose to be harsh with him at every stage of his life by just the reason is due to one sentence "You are just an omega". That hateful phrase that silenced the sad devil known as Virus, Virus who found himself dragged like a lamb to the massacre, when he was forced to marry to the ruthless devil who was known for his cruelty and tyranny, the prince who took the crown by his hands stained with blood, Trip , an alpha devil who is the king of his native kingdom! .

You're my princess. by Menato

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

Be careful with your wishes by Menato

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

Trip and Virus forced to take a new drug , and because of it they returned to be children, and Aoba find himself with no choice but to take care of both of them and he asked his friends to help him .

Destroying my other half. by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

First time was an accident, second time was a drugged rape. Since, the victim didn't want to be a victim in first place. The third time was a consensual sex. He soon agreed to have sex now and then. So, started their sex life.

Trip sat with tears running down his face with no emotions as he looked at the green liquid in the vial which he tilted up and down between his thumb and forefinger. So, was his life. He just have to find a reason to not use it and topple everything.

There will be two ending in this story based on virus's decision and the story will move from there. Hope you enjoy it.

Creature by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

Virus ran into the dark alleyway holding his gun up. He swore, he saw something running inside inhumane. It took him only a second to see the shadow of it in the floor in front of him under the moonlight. "It must be above the adjacent building", he decided. Though it was just its shadow. He could see it ,crouching on all fours and not to mistake it's tail waving like a mini raptor's. It took him a moment to understand that he was the one who is trapped because it was a dead end. He swallowed hard waiting for the creature's next move but suddenly he heard footsteps. He turned back with almost his heart in his throat but it was trip. He suddenly felt his fear leaving him at once. He walked towards his husband with his guard down who came up to him too shortening their distance and took his face in his hands. "Didn't i tell to stay by the car, baby?", he asked in a low voice caressing and kissing him as virus just smiled.

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Закрытая, не уверенная в себе девушка оказывается в любимой игре, но что-то постоянно идёт не так и счастье постоянно убегает вдаль, хохоча над её беспомощьностью. *** А.

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Станислав - самый обычный наркоман из Питера, по дороге в магазин встречает незнакомца, думая, что это часть его трипа. Но на следующее утро.

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Слышали историю о том, как Фея Динь-Динь родилась из первого смеха младенца? Так и здесь. Главные герои изо всех сил стараются словить момент жизни, как можно больше ул.

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Да да опять драмотическое убийство и нефига возникать это мое любимое аниме и писать я буду только о нем ну теперь описание истории . Значет Аоба уже не парень , а девуш.

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К чему приводят наркотики? К чему приводят ночные гулянки с незнакомыми парнями? Это история девушки , которая попала в беду, спасая свою подругу. Но что же случилось? К.

Драмотическое убийство фанфики от insahiti

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Я просто слегка заколебалась писать Голубой феникс и решила написать историю пелегче в фикбук зарегестрироватся не выходет значет будем здесь фигней страдать . Эм и еще.

Автор: - Зира - Мира - Фэндом: Fixeye, youtubers, Майнкрафт, Команда Фиксая., Команда FixEye, Фиксай (кроссовер) Пэйринг и персонажи: Фиксай!Гречин, Донни, Акакий, Вирус, Дабейт, Маша, Мистер Няшка, Шуня Размер: планируется Мини, написано 4 страницы, 1 часть Дата создания: 23.04.2022

Фанфик дети Гречина и Фиксая. Гречин и Фиксай сидели на горе смотрели на закат. Гречина был влюблен своего лд, Фиксай тоже влюблен в него. Гречин хочет зделать первый шаг, признаться влюби. Гречин: Ф-Ф-Фиксай. Фиксай: что такое Гречин. Гречин: я-я-я хочу приз. Гречина остановил портал.

Хватит уже мучений

Автор: Naemi_Kun Фэндом: И.Н.М.Т. Пэйринг и персонажи: Феликс, Вирус, Китью Размер: планируется Миди, написана 1 страница, 1 часть Дата создания: 20.04.2022

Вселённая слегла Смешалась.

Нечто большее, чем дружба


Автор: Сиверика Паш Фэндом: Undertale Пэйринг и персонажи: Рипер/Гено, Киллер/Найтмер, Хантер, Эррор, Вирус, Блуберри Размер: планируется Макси, написано 149 страниц, 19 частей Дата обновления: 01.01.2022

Пользователь: Страх в отражении

Пока в играх идёт война за Камни Бесконечности, в которую втягивают персонажей Marvel и DC, Пользователь продолжает разбираться со старым врагом. Казалось бы, он безвозвратно заперт в глубине подсознания мальчика, но герой в то же время понимает, что вот-вот произойдёт страшное событие, и камера даст трещину.

Вирус без короны

Автор: KOLinka Фэндом: DRAMAtical Murder, DRAMAtical murder (DMMd) (кроссовер) Пэйринг и персонажи: Рен, Таэ Серагаки, Клиа , Коджаку, Трип, Вирус, Хага, Аоба Серагаки Размер: 8 страниц, 1 часть Дата завершения: 01.04.2021

Мы не можем быть вместе

Автор: _Сахарок_2002 Фэндом: DRAMAtical murder (DMMd) Пэйринг и персонажи: Аоба Серагаки/Клиа, Нойз, Мизуки, Велтэр, Херша, Трип, Вирус, Коджаку, Таэ Серагаки, Бени Размер: планируется Миди, написано 11 страниц, 4 части Дата обновления: 05.01.2021

Клиа каждый день просил милостыню с протянутой рукой, но однажды в его жизни появился Аоба, который изменил его жизнь. Но зачем Аоба подобрал бездомного? За кого Аоба должен выйти замуж? Состоится ли свадьба? И главный вопрос: какую тайну Аоба скрывает с 6 лет.

Прими мои чуства!

(Кхм. НЕ БЕЙТЕ!) В этой недо истории ляпа прежняя сьюха(дай бог сырных крэкиров чтоб она никогда не была больше ней) С множеством магии. Но происходит всё в наше время(2020) Но надеюсь Иськорга не против что я немного поменяла ей силы. И да я знаю что Иськорга уже не Иськорга и т.д. Но что вы мне зделаете я живу в другой стране и другом городе.

Новая жизнь

Главный герой после смерти попадает в клетку, зараженную странным вирусом, который позволяет управлять ею. В фанфике идет его развитие от одной клетки до. Переписывается ленивым мной!

Вирус 2020

Автор: Jelina Bolton Фэндом: Ориджиналы Пэйринг и персонажи: Вирус Размер: планируется Миди, написана 1 страница, 1 часть Дата создания: 12.04.2020


Автор: Виргинский Кардинал Фэндом: DRAMAtical Murder, DRAMAtical murder (DMMd) (кроссовер) Пэйринг и персонажи: Трип, Вирус Размер: 2 страницы, 1 часть Дата завершения: 09.01.2020

Ярко-голубые, неестественно яркие, но такие красивые глаза. А Трип всё равно видит вместо них старые тёмно-синие глаза Вируса, как много лет назад.


Автор: Виргинский Кардинал Фэндом: DRAMAtical Murder, DRAMAtical murder (DMMd) (кроссовер) Пэйринг и персонажи: Трип, Вирус Размер: 2 страницы, 1 часть Дата завершения: 04.01.2020

Зима — коварное время года, особенно когда её нет в полном смысле слова на Мидориджиме. По-весеннему тепло и комфортно. Ровно до того момента, пока на остров ни двинулся антициклон с холодными воздушными массами. А Трипу плевать на все эти климатические изменения, паникующих горожан и метеорологов. Осенняя куртка на распашку, ледяной ветер в волосах — вперёд! Здравствуй, затяжная простуда. Здравствуйте, отросшие красные корни. А ведь Трип сам не красил волосы уже, наверное, семь лет.

1 - 20 of 112 Works in Seragaki Aoba/Trip/Virus

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Your Words Like Chloroform by arcaneheart for Rose Argent (roseargent)

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

On a special occasion, Trip and Virus find a new use for Aoba.

Be careful with your wishes by Menato

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

Trip and Virus forced to take a new drug , and because of it they returned to be children, and Aoba find himself with no choice but to take care of both of them and he asked his friends to help him .

Destroying my other half. by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

First time was an accident, second time was a drugged rape. Since, the victim didn't want to be a victim in first place. The third time was a consensual sex. He soon agreed to have sex now and then. So, started their sex life.

Trip sat with tears running down his face with no emotions as he looked at the green liquid in the vial which he tilted up and down between his thumb and forefinger. So, was his life. He just have to find a reason to not use it and topple everything.

There will be two ending in this story based on virus's decision and the story will move from there. Hope you enjoy it.

Creature by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

Virus ran into the dark alleyway holding his gun up. He swore, he saw something running inside inhumane. It took him only a second to see the shadow of it in the floor in front of him under the moonlight. "It must be above the adjacent building", he decided. Though it was just its shadow. He could see it ,crouching on all fours and not to mistake it's tail waving like a mini raptor's. It took him a moment to understand that he was the one who is trapped because it was a dead end. He swallowed hard waiting for the creature's next move but suddenly he heard footsteps. He turned back with almost his heart in his throat but it was trip. He suddenly felt his fear leaving him at once. He walked towards his husband with his guard down who came up to him too shortening their distance and took his face in his hands. "Didn't i tell to stay by the car, baby?", he asked in a low voice caressing and kissing him as virus just smiled.

Another chance by Menato

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

They said,
The cheek kiss means friendship.
The mouth kiss means love .
The neck kiss means tenderness.
The ear kiss means jealousy.
The head kiss means fear .
The hand kiss means respect.

Blue roses by your door by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

With just a week away from his second wedding anniversary. Aoba sits by the sunset in his house with the frustration of loneliness. Soon, he lets his life before and after his marriage to run before his eyes. As, he wanted to recollect how his life turned into something out of his imagination after he met the most important person of his life.

Adapted Coping by GarbageSmoothie

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

The first to hear was Aoba, it came in the form of scraping and cracking. After a long time, Virus started hearing shattering and ringing whenever he was alone. Trip, who was the last, however, had stopped hearing at all, and he almost wished for the noises to return.

Five years had slowly passed since Aoba’s abduction, and lately he felt his will rise, he had made a dangerous turn and tested the cold waters. Virus and trip, albeit frustrated, still loved their slave that they, in their delusions, had come to view as their “fiancé” and "lover." They certainly stayed true to their promise of treasuring him. They all had one common thing going for them, though- someone was hunting them, and that person was far worse than all their disturbed minds combined.

Which One? by Yusuke_Uchiha

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

Aoba was "rescued" by Virus and Trip after Clear had taken his eyes and his legs. Now Aoba lives with them, and with no means of escape, he tries to keep his sanity any way he can. Even if that means playing their games and letting himself enjoy them.

Data-Dramatically-Lost by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel), DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

When aoba enters oval tower with mink, he gets separated and falls in the hands of the non-related twins. Coming to know about his past and their part with toue. Aoba now knows that his fate is sealed with toue's mission. But its in the hands of virus and trip to decide aoba's fate. Since, they both dearly love aoba they take him with them and flee from midorijima as well as Tokyo. But fleeing from toue is not so easy. They have to constantly look for toue and also make aoba as their's. Aoba being taken into hostage who doesn't know much about the mysterious twins before now gets a clear picture of their childhood and about their mindset. But his world turns upside down in their hands. Can aoba accept his new fate?, can he resurface from his miseries? And can the twins escape from toue? Because for all three of them there is no going back.

A Fresh Start by JapaneseSnowPrincess

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

After being abused by Trip and Virus for four whole years Aoba and Sei are rescued but are two completely different people. Their parents try to give them a fresh start at a new school.

I was lacking motivation to finish so I decided to rewrite the full fic.

Currently up to chapter 13 is updated

I'm sorry for deleting chapters with comments, your comments are very precious to me, but as I was updating it the flow was completely different and I didn't want to spoil plot points for people who hadn't read it yet

First Birthday- With Us (updated:08/28/2021) by Uso_sama

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

Forced Lies by orphan_account

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

this time it's not a joke fanfic and this time im crying from something serious

Broken Doll by Corrupted_Whitty

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

Aoba is taken away by the Yakuza after he gets split up from his group in Oval Tower. The main reason why Aoba was there in the first place was to stop Toue and save his brother, Sei. However that didn't happen. Instead the Yakuza took him for their own desires. Now Aoba is trapped with them and is forced to do what the not twins say. (Rest of the summary is in the chapter)

Also most of this chapter is nothing but smut, so if you're not into male x male, then please don't read this story. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy.

Free Desires by chicago_ruth for RoseWithoutTheSun

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

After a rigorous Rhyme Battle, "Sly Blue" likes to unwind with sex, doesn't matter with whom. Virus and Trip are always happy to observe, or lend a hand.

Revenge is Sweet and Salty by RoseWithoutTheSun for chicago_ruth

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

Sly Blue has enemies. You wouldn't like to know what he does with them. Trip and Virus like to watch, though.

Protect him! Punish him! by SNOWFLAKE3883

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

During the time period around when aoba is sixteen. Aoba had no control over his actions due to scrap. He begins to act the way he wants and never listens to his grandmother or ren. Being a brat and full of himself. He breaks everyone's jaw in rib and breaks everyone's mind in rhyme. People have started to notice slyblue more than rhyme. But things are that, toue might soon notice him. So, the unofficial twins decide to step in to put his actions on hold. Ren on the other hand somehow gets to know their plan. Ren has to protect aoba from toue as well as the twins. So, he warns aoba and he even begs him to stop playing rhyme since it might land him in serious trouble. Aoba already addicted by the game and being immature talks trash to ren and insults him. Ren after listening to aoba's mean talk decides to get in aoba's head and teach him a memorable lesson. So, that the bluenette would never ever step on the rhyme battle for all his life.

Poppy by Currently_Underrated for Princess_Jules_von_Schweetz

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

This is for the DMMD Gift Exchange. This is for @Princess_Jules_von_Schweetz. I took some artistic liberties since I didn't know what else to do with this song. But I got some heavy angst from it. It got a little out of hand. Oops. TRIGGER WARNING IN NOTES! MIND THE TAGS. I am very sorry for this.

"My idea is probably over the line but. I thought I'd ask. 🙃 So. song prompt: poppy- all the things she said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44OoItjbzxM

Pairing 🥺 Fem Ren/Ao. Or Fem Kou/Ao.

Thank you for offering to do this for the fans. If my idea isn't your thing, I understand."


Fate Of Eternity by DollEyedExistence

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

(Title Name to Be Changed) Aoba is taken in at a young age by Virus and Trip, whom are both vampires. For years they train Aoba on their schedule, waiting until he is old enough for him to become just like them. They dote on Aoba, making the teen dependent on them and fall for them. Their plan is going well until someone from Aoba's child hood comes back into his life.

Gift Giveaway by Currently_Underrated

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types

Comment a Dramatical Murder writing prompt that you wish to see and I'll gift it to you. Rules inside.

Happy Harem Nightmares by Currently_Underrated for Highkiller777

Fandoms: DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types, DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel)

This is based on @Highkiller777's Happy Harem DramaCD (Harem Verse) and Reset stories. They are both fanfictions of DRAMAtical Murder with Aoba getting a Harem Route. There is some angst (more so in Reset), but they are still very well written.

Aoba has been getting nightmares since the fall of the Oval Tower and Platinum Jail. However, these nightmares are far different than the ones he normally gets. Typically, they were Desire's memories that were locked away after the four months that he was missing several years ago. Now, they all about his boys and if he hadn't saved them with Scrap. To anyone else, they would seem like your typical nightmare produced by PTSD and anxiety. All the what-ifs. But these feel way too real to be normal nightmares. He has been trying to hide them the best he can from the others. However, after a pretty bad one, he is pulled out by Clear, one of the sweetest boys in his Totally-Not-A-Harem Harem. This causes him to panic and scream, seeing the albino's face.

What sort of nightmare can make Aoba that terrified of one of his own boyfriends? And how will the others react?

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